Weed & Pest Management, Fertilization Sask Forage Seed Weed & Pest Management, Fertilization Sask Forage Seed

Demonstration of night spraying and foliar fertilizer application to increase seed yield in single-cut red clover

We demonstrated three best management practices for red clover growers, first assessing the feasibility of production by assessing the prevalence of root and crown rot disease in early spring, then monitoring and night spraying control of the major insect pest the lesser clover leaf weevil…

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Fungicides for Use in Forage Seed Grasses 2015

Project Objectives: The objective of this project was to demonstrate the importance of the control of leaf diseases and their impact on forage seed yield and quality as well as forage quality. The project uses registered fungicides on established timothy and tall fescue crops.

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Forage Seed Response to Copper Fertilization

In June 2013, we applied foliar EDTA chelated copper to established timothy (3 locations) and hybrid bromegrass (1 location) on replicated mini-plots. This was repeated in June of 2014 and June 2015, but we added 2 other liquid Cu foliar treatments; dropped one unresponsive site and added another potentially responsive hybrid bromegrass site.

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Fertilization, Fall application Sask Forage Seed Fertilization, Fall application Sask Forage Seed

Assessment of Urease and Nitrification Inhibitors in Forage Seed – U of S Final Report

Enhanced efficiency fertilizers (EEFs) are intended to reduce nutrient losses to the environment, thereby increasing nutrient availability for plant production. One category of EEFs is nitrogen (N) fertilizer that is stabilized using compounds such as urease and nitrification inhibitors, both of which slow the release of N by controlling key microbially mediated processes.

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Fungicides for Use in Forage Seed Grasses

Project Objectives: The Saskatchewan Forage Seed Development Commission (SFSDC) wanted to demonstrate the use of registered fungicides, Tilt 250 E (propiconozole) on timothy and Headline EC (pyraclostrobin) on perennial ryegrass, to determine if leaf disease could be controlled and seed yield and quality improved.

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Pod Sealant on Birdsfoot Trefoil

Birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.) is a non-bloating perennial legume that is used as a pasture legume around the world (Sareen 2004). Seed production of trefoil, especially pedigreed seed is not meeting demand and seed prices have increased substantially in recent years.

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