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Join us at the Arborfield Community Hall on December 10, 2024, as the Saskatchewan Forage Seed Development Commission (SFSDC) hosts the 19th AGM and Forage Seed Production Forum24. Doors open at 8:00 a.m.
Several events are planned for this summer including field days featuring forage seed production demonstrations and research trials.
As of June 24, 2024, true armyworm moth counts are of concern in forage seed fields in NE-SK. Last year, starting about Jully 12th, seed production in meadow fescue, timothy and slender wheatgrass was reduced due to feeding by the larvae.
Some glassy cutworm Apamea devastator (Brace) damage was seen in timothy crops in 2023 and many crops were damaged in the Peace Region.
Thank you to everyone who supported our Annual General Meeting. and Forage Seed Production Forum 23 held at the Whitefox Community Hall on Monday, December 11, 2023.
Effective for the 2024 crop, changes have been made to the Canadian Seed Growers Association, Circular 6, the requirements that a seed grower and a seed crop must meet for seed crop certification.
Check back in February for results from two years of forage seed variety testing at Outlook, SK.
Watch videos from our 17th Annual General Meeting and Forage Seed Production Forum 2022 and 18th AGM and Forage Seed Production Forum 2023. We hope you find these videos useful. Growers who contributed check-off to SFSDC and attendees may access recordings of the sessions.
Thank you to everyone who supported our Annual General Meeting. and Forage Seed Production Forum Monday, December 12, 2022 at the The Evergreen Centre, Nipawin, SK. and December 13 at the Carrot River Curling Club. Growers who contributed check-off to SFSDC and attendees may access recordings of the sessions.
Learn about financial compensation for implementing On-Farm Beneficial Management Practices (BMPs) to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Applicants will work directly with their local Prairie Watershed Climate Program coordinator to complete and submit their applications.
Three programs offered: nitrogen management, cover cropping, rotational grazing.
Please note the following change to the Prairie Watersheds Climate Program (PWCP) taking effect April 1st, 2023: single use inhibitors will no longer be eligible for funding through PWCP as of April 1.
Intercropping milling oat and perennial ryegrass - does it work? Read more about our ADOPT demonstration at Melfort, SK, 2022.