The Saskatchewan Forage Seed Development Commission (SFSDC) was created as a producer-led organization to guide research and development needs of all forage seed crops, with the exception of alfalfa*.
The SFSDC was established in June 2005 under The Agri-Food Act, following a feasibility study conducted in 2002-2003 and extensive consultation and communication with forage seed producers and buyers.
Forage seed means: all forage grasses; forage legumes other than alfalfa seed; species used for turf, amenity and reclamation or regeneration purposes, including commercial varieties of native forage grasses and legumes; and includes all grades of forage seed and all potential mixtures.
*Alfalfa seed producers have had a separate Commission and production levy, the SASPDC, operating since 1997.
Our Vision
We grow high-quality forage and turfgrass seed in Saskatchewan for generations to come.
Our Purpose
We promote the development of solutions to grow clean, high-quality crops and promote forage and turfgrass seed production in Saskatchewan for domestic and global markets.
Specific Purposes
SFSDC supports the development of the forage seed industry in Saskatchewan, by the following means:
Establishing a system of collecting levies on the production, marketing or production and marketing of forage seed for the purpose of carrying out the objectives of the forage seed development plan, referred to as Regulations (Chapter A-15.21 REG 3, effective June 29, 2005, amended 60-2021).
The levy, 3/4 of 1% of the value of the forage seed sold by a forage seed producer, is used for:
assisting in the development and promotion of forage seed and forage seed products in the domestic and international marketplaces;
conducting and encouraging research on production, market development, processing and consumption of forage seed and forage seed products;
advising governments on matters pertaining to forage seed research, production and development;
gathering, compiling and distributing information related to the production, consumption and market development of forage seed and forage seed products;
promoting harmony and communication within the forage seed industry;
initiating and implementing advertising programs, sales promotion programs and consumer education programs to expand awareness and demand for forage seed and forage seed products; and
working in cooperation with any persons or organizations who have objectives similar to those of the forage seed development plan.