Grower Sessions and Workshops
Learn about the various grower sessions and workshops SFSDC has held.
Watch videos from our 17th Annual General Meeting and Forage Seed Production Forum 2022 and 18th AGM and Forage Seed Production Forum 2023. We hope you find these videos useful. Growers who contributed check-off to SFSDC and attendees may access recordings of the sessions.
The annual forage seed field tour and barbecue were held at the Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) Research Farm near Melfort, SK, on July 25th, 2019. The SFSDC, the Northeast Agriculture Research Foundation (NARF), and AAFC-Melfort hosted the event.
The annual Grower Information Session and Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held on January 14th, 2020. Thanks to all those who attended our event despite the near record-breaking cold temperature. Special thanks to the following volunteers who helped out with set-up and registration: Lana Haight, Livestock and Forages Centre of Excellence, Marianne Possberg, Saskatchewan Cattleman’s Association, and Shannon McArton, Saskatchewan Forage Council.
The Forage Seed Information Session was held in Saskatoon, SK on January 17, 2019. The session included reports on forage seed research and markets as well as the 13th Annual General Meeting of SFSDC. Calvin Yoder, Forage Seed Crops Agrologist with Alberta Agriculture and Forestry in Spirit River AB provided an excellent talk on forage seed production and research.
The 2018 Forage Seed Research Plot Tour and Barbecue will be held on Thursday July 26, 2018 at the Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) Research Farm, located 2.5 km south of Melfort SK on Highway #6. This will be an excellent opportunity to look at the forage crop research being done at the Melfort station and to visit with other forage seed producers.
The annual SFSDC Forage Seed Information Session was held in Saskatoon, SK on January 11, 2018. The session included reports on forage seed research and markets as well as the SFSDC 12th Annual General Meeting.
The annual Forage Seed Information Session will be held in Saskatoon this year. By holding the session during the same week as Crop Production Show, we hope to make it convenient for growers and members to attend.
The SFSDC 2016 Forage Seed Growers’ annual information session was held in Nipawin, SK on December 1, 2016. The session included reports on forage seed research, pest control and a market update.
The 2015 Forage Seed Growers’ workshop was hosted by SFSDC in Nipawin, SK on December 2, 2015. The agenda included an excellent line-up of speakers and presentations were made by:
Seed of forage crops have been harvested for a hundred years in Saskatchewan.
Forage seed production has evolved to be a core business for some producers and global seed companies. Some crops are destined entirely for export markets, while others remain in Saskatchewan to be planted by livestock producers and conservation agencies.

On June 21st and 22nd, SFSDC coordinated an On Farm Experiment of night spraying. The purpose is to demonstrate practices for control of the lesser clover leaf weevil in red clover seed production fields while minimizing the impact of insecticide application on natural and commercial pollinators.