Forage Seed Research Plot Tour and Barbecue 2018
The 2018 Forage Seed Research Plot Tour and Barbecue will be held on Thursday July 26, 2018 at the Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) Research Farm, located 2.5 km south of Melfort SK on Highway #6. This will be an excellent opportunity to look at the forage crop research being done at the Melfort station and to visit with other forage seed producers.
Forage Seed Research Tour 2017. Melfort SK. Source: SFSDC
The tour will be hosted by the Saskatchewan Forage Seed Development Commission, the Northeast Agriculture Research Foundation (NARF), and AAFC Melfort. There will be no charge. Refreshments will be available.
Please register on-site at 12 noon. The Barbecue will start at 12:15 PM and the tour of the research plots will take place from 1:30 to 4:00 PM.
NARF has been home to many forage seed research projects over the past five years.
Tour Highlights:
Forage Crop Variety Trial
Annual Ryegrass Herbicide Tolerance
Annual Ryegrass Fertility
Alternate Row / Companion Crop Planting
Red and Alsike Clover in Rotations with Canola and Peas
Herbicide Tolerance in Red and Alsike Clover
Plant Growth Regulator Evaluation
This year’s tour includes the site of the Saskatchewan Forage Variety Demonstration and Testing System including varieties of: hybrid, meadow and smooth bromegrass; crested wheatgrass; Festulolium; tall fescue; Timothy; alfalfa; cicer milkvetch and sainfoin.
For more information contact: or (306) 789-1958.