2025 Canadian Turf and Forage Seed Conference
On March 4th and 5th, the Peace Region Forage Seed Association will host our national conference at the Pomeroy Hotel & Conference Centre, Grande Prairie, Alberta. Draft agenda
With a theme of Turf and Forage Seed - Improve you Soil and Bottom Line, the goal of this conference is to unite the industry throughout Canada and increase awareness and interest in forage seed production.
For the faithful forage seed grower, it will be an opportunity to hear about new technologies in the industry and where research is headed. Speakers are travelling from Oregon, Minnesota and beyond to bring an international perspective to the conference.
Register on Event Brite, https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/turf-and-forage-seed-improve-your-soil-and-bottom-line-registration-866659510927?aff=oddtdtcreator