Evaluation of a spring-applied herbicide for use in established Alsike Clover grown for Seed Production in northeast Saskatchewan, 2019
Objective/Rationale: To evaluate crop tolerance of Alsike clover and weed control efficacy of spring-applied herbicides in support of registration under the Minor Use Program.
Demonstrating the Effects of Red and Alsike Clover Seed Crops in Rotation
Northeast Saskatchewan is the centre of forage seed production in the province. Red clover is the largest forage seed crop after alfalfa. Alsike clover is also commonly grown for seed in the area. These clover crops, when harvested for seed, fit well into crop rotations.
3rd Year Report of Evaluating the Placement of Companion Crops in Forage Seed Production
Project Objectives: SFSDC wanted to determine if there are any residual effects of planting meadow bromegrass in alternate rows with wheat on seed yield of the forage in the second year of seed production.
Controlling Noxious Weeds and Improving Seed Quality in Established Forage Legume Seed Crops
Project Objectives: SFSDC wanted to demonstrate the importance of controlling Noxious and hard to control weeds such as cleavers and wild oats in established forage legume seed crops. The project used registered herbicides, including those registered under the minor use registration program, for weed control.
Evaluating the Placement of Companion Crops in Forage Seed Production
Project Objectives: SFSDC wanted to demonstrate the effectiveness of using alternate row companion crop planting when establishing forage seed crops. The project demonstrated the agronomic and economic advantages of alternate row planting using presently available equipment technology.
Evaluating the Placement of Companion Crops in Forage Seed Production 2017-2018
Project Objectives: SFSDC wanted to demonstrate the effectiveness of using alternate row companion crop planting when establishing forage seed crops. The project demonstrated the agronomic and economic advantages of alternate row planting using presently available equipment technology.
Controlling Noxious Weeds and Improving Seed Quality in Established Forage Grass Seed Crops
Project Objective: SFSDC wanted to demonstrate the importance of controlling noxious and hard to control weeds in established forage grass seed crops. The project used registered herbicides, including those registered under the minor use registration program, for weed control.