Evaluating the Placement of Companion Crops in Forage Seed Production 2017-2018

Project Objectives: SFSDC wanted to demonstrate the effectiveness of using alternate row companion crop planting when establishing forage seed crops. The project demonstrated the agronomic and economic advantages of alternate row planting using presently available equipment technology. It provided an economic analysis of planting methods and delivers these results to new and existing forage seed growers.

Project Rationale: With the adoption of advanced direct seeding equipment, forage seed producers are looking for the most productive and economic method for planting forage seed crops. Perennial forage seed crops require a year to establish before seed production occurs. Growers are less willing to accept a year without economic return and forage seed crop acres have declined over the last 8 years in part due to competition from canola and wheat acres. The most productive and economic method of planting a forage seed / companion crop is needed. This project is intended to measure and demonstrate alternative planting methods.

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Demonstrating the Proper Timing and Application of a Desiccant on Red Clover Seed Crops


Forage Seed Response to Copper Fertilization