Demonstrating the Effects of Red and Alsike Clover Seed Crops in Rotation


  • To demonstrate the effect of a cover crop on red and alsike clover for seed production;

  • To demonstrate Odyssey and Viper ADV herbicides for weed control in red and alsike clover;

  • To demonstrate the effect short‐term legume seed crops have on reducing nitrogen (N) fertilizer requirements in a wheat crop in rotations; and

  • To demonstrate direct seeding of wheat into red and alsike clover residue.

Northeast Saskatchewan is the centre of forage seed production in the province. Red clover is the largest forage seed crop after alfalfa. Alsike clover is also commonly grown for seed in the area. These clover crops, when harvested for seed, fit well into crop rotations. Both are often seeded with a cover crop in the seedling year and harvested for seed in the second year. Weed control is an important management practise with these crops and newly registered herbicides will be demonstrated. Wheat will be direct seeded into the stubble in year 3 to take advantage of increased soil nitrogen. This increase in soil nitrogen has not been recently measured or demonstrated with these clover seed crops in the area. In 2019, the project will be funded by SFSDC.

Download the full research report:


Annual Ryegrass Seed Production Fertility and Plant Growth Regulator


Evaluating the Use of Direct Seeding and Pre-Seedling Cultivation in Forage Seed Crop Establishment