Herbicide Screening of fall-applied herbicides for use in Red Clover grown for Seed Production in northeast Saskatchewan, 2017
Objective/Rationale: To evaluate crop tolerance of red clover and weed control efficacy of fall-applied herbicides onto spring-seeded forage legumes grown for seed production and harvest the next year.
Methodology: An area of single-cut red clover was planted in spring 2017. The aim of the trial is to screen fall-applied products. We did not replicate the treatments and did not collect seed yield data the following year. Each plot was 2-meter width by 7-metre length, with borders on each end. The trial comprised 13 treatments: an untreated control; Buctril M; Embutox; MCAP Amine 600; Pardner; Express SG and Authority each product applied at 1x and 2x of the recommended application rate.