Management Options to Control Lesser Clover Leaf Weevil in Red Clover

Objectives: Controlling lesser clover leaf weevil has become an important operation in the production of red clover seed in Saskatchewan, yet producers are often unsure of proper timing of application. SFSDC wanted to evaluate and demonstrate the proper timing and efficacy of insecticide applications to benefit growers.

Methodology: On June 9, 2015 red clover (variety Belle) was planted at 4.2 kg/ha seeding rate in an area approximately 50M x 90M into a tilled seedbed at the Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) Research Farm, Melfort, SK. Planting was done with a Conserva-Pak seeder. Seedbed moisture conditions were good, the site having received ample rain during the previous week. The red clover established very well, but was somewhat weedy in 2015. The crop was mowed 2 times during the summer of 2015 to reduce competition with weeds and restrict weed seed development. By the spring of 2016 it was well established and very competitive with weeds to the extent that it was relatively weed free.

Download the full research report:


Evaluating the Use of Direct Seeding and Pre-Seedling Cultivation in Forage Seed Crop Establishment


3rd Year Report of Evaluating the Placement of Companion Crops in Forage Seed Production