Evaluation of three spring-applied herbicides for use in established Red and Alsike Clover grown for seed production in northeast Saskatchewan, 2020
Objective: To evaluate the crop tolerance and weed control efficacy of spring-applied herbicides on red and alsike clover grown for seed production in northeast Saskatchewan.
Methodology: Two areas of single-cut red clover and alsike clover were seeded in 2019. The small plot research trials for each crop were designed as a randomized complete block design with 4 replicates. Each plot was 2-m wide by 7-m long, with borders on each replicate end. There were 8 treatments consisting of untreated control, Valtera and Authority at 1X and 2X rates, Viper ADV in addition to both Valtera and Authority 1X applications, and a Viper ADV application. Herbicides were applied on May 22nd, 2020 and prior to bud formation on June 11th.
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