Speaker Line-up for the 2014 Forage Seed Grower Workshop
SFSDC is pleased to announce our speaker line-up for the upcoming Forage Seed Grower Workshop on December 2, 2014 in Nipawin Saskatchewan.
2014 Forage Seed Mini-Tour
The SFSDC held their annual field day on July 23, 2014 at the Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Research Farm south of Melfort, SK.
Canadian Seed Sector Profile
Canada is recognized worldwide as a leading producer, processor and exporter of high-quality seed for a wide range of crops. It is a diverse sector that contributes billions to the Canadian economy and provides jobs for thousands.
Red Clover Casebearer
The Clover Casebearer Research Project carried out at the University of Alberta was partially funded by Saskatchewan Forage Seed Development Commission for 3 years.
Forage Seed Response to Copper Fertilization
In June 2013, 0.22 lb/ac of foliar EDTA chelated copper was applied at the flag leaf to established timothy (3 locations) and hybrid bromegrass (1 location) on replicated miniplots in the Choiceland, Nipawin, and White Fox SK regions.
Herbicide Screening for Seed Forages in Establishment Year
Weed control is critical in the establishment year for forages grown for seed production. With that in mind, in the spring of 2013, we initiated a research trial at the Northeast Agriculture Research Foundation near Melfort, SK to identify herbicides that provide adequate weed control while posing acceptable risk of crop damage for selected forage species.
New Display Banner and Brochure for SFSDC
SFSDC has developed a new display banner and revised their information brochure. Working with the Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture, the Commission received funding provided through Growing Forward 2, a federal-provincial-territorial initiative for these two projects.
Forage Seed Information Workshop
Nicole Anderson, Oregon State University, provided an overview of the large forage seed industry in the Willamette Valley in Oregon. Production of many crops including white clover, annual ryegrass, perennial ryegrass, tall fescue, red clover and others occurs where they receive 50-80 inches of rainfall and experience only a couple of frosts each year.
SFSDC Annual General Meeting 2013
David Maxwell, Chair and Ray McVicar, Executive Director provided reports on the Commission’s activities. The Audited Financial Report for 2012-2013 was reviewed and the 2013-2014 Budget was presented by Marcel Enns, Treasurer. Milton & Associates, Regina, SK was appointed as Auditor for 2013-2014.