Forage Seed Field Tour Report
The 2017 forage field tour and BBQ were held on July 27th at the Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) Research Farm near Melfort, SK. The tour was hosted by SFSDC, the Northeast Agriculture Research Foundation (NARF), AAFC Melfort, and Saskatchewan Agriculture. There were over 40 people in attendance.
Forage Seed Information Session
The annual Forage Seed Information Session will be held in Saskatoon this year. By holding the session during the same week as Crop Production Show, we hope to make it convenient for growers and members to attend.
2017 Research Update
The field work for the SFSDC forage seed research program is wrapping up for another year. The plots have been harvested and the final applications of fertilizer and herbicides as well as soil samples are being completed.
SFSDC Policies, Procedures And Code Of Conduct
The Saskatchewan Forage Seed Development Commission (SFSDC) was established under The Forage Seed Development Plan Regulations that became effective June 29, 2005. The purpose of the forage seed development plan is to develop the forage seed industry in Saskatchewan.
Summer Field Tour & Barbecue
The annual Forage Seed Research Field Tour will be held at the Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Research Farm at Melfort SK on Thursday July 27, 2017.
2017 Forage Seed Research Plans
The Saskatchewan Forage Seed Development Commission (SFSDC) is expanding forage seed research with the goal to improve economic returns for our levy payers. Research includes investigating alternate planting methods that could be utilized by conventional, feed or organic growers; minor use expansion of herbicides; plant growth regulators on established crops; and insect control.
Forage Variety Demonstration And Testing System Underway
The Forage Crop Variety Testing System has been revived in Saskatchewan in 2017. Saskatchewan Forage Seed Development Commission has provided funding toward the project. Other contributors include Saskatchewan Agriculture and forage seed companies. One of the 4 sites in the Province includes a seed yield plot. This site is located at the Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Research Farm at Melfort, SK.
Alternate Row Planting Research Project – 3Rd Year Results
SFSDC contracted the Northeast Agriculture Research Foundation (NARF) to demonstrate alternate row companion crop planting when establishing forage seed crops. In spring 2014, meadow bromegrass and perennial ryegrass were planted with a double shoot ConservaPak airseeder as follows: without a companion crop in 9" rows; without a companion crop in 18" rows; in the same rows with Unity VB wheat as the companion crop; and with wheat in alternate rows.
Annual General Meeting 2016
The 11th Annual Meeting of the SFSDC for the fiscal year 2015-2016 was held in Nipawin SK on December 1, 2016. Chair, David Maxwell gave welcoming remarks and introduced the Board of Directors, Advisors and Researchers.
Grower Information Session
The SFSDC 2016 Forage Seed Growers’ annual information session was held in Nipawin, SK on December 1, 2016. The session included reports on forage seed research, pest control and a market update.
Forage Seed Research Reports
Reports from the 2016 research program are now available on this website under Research.
Please Mark Your Calendar !!
Forage Seed Grower Information Session and Saskatchewan Forage Seed Development Commission Annual General Meeting
News From Saskatchewan 2016
The growing season is complete and it has seen its fair share of moisture. Crops progressed, but temporary standing water in many fields during July and August in the northeast region of the province lowered yields.
Forage Seed Research Update 2016
The SFSDC research program at the Northeast Agriculture Research Foundation (NARF) site near Melfort SK was expanded this year. The projects are wrapping up as another growing season comes to an end. There were some challenges along the way this year, as the spring started out uncharacteristically dry in the Melfort area.
2016 Summer Field Tour Update
SFSDC worked with the Saskatchewan Forage Council (SFC) to hold the annual field tour on July 26, 2016 near Saskatoon SK. We were hosted by the Crop Development Centre at the University of Saskatchewan (U of S) and the Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) Research Station.
Summer Field Tours 2016 Saskatchewan
The NARF research field day will be held at the Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Research Farm 2 km south of Melfort SK on Wednesday July 20, 2016. Registration is at 8 am with plots tours throughout the morning and afternoon.
Research Plans 2016 Saskatchewan
The Saskatchewan Forage Seed Development Commission’s top goal is to enhance yields and economic returns for our levy payers. We have taken steps to expand our research program this year with that goal in mind.
The Saskatchewan Forage Network Enters Its Third Year
The Saskatchewan Forage Network was created to facilitate a collaborative approach to research, technology transfer and industry development for all forage and livestock industry stakeholders in Saskatchewan.
Forage Seed Market and Prices Information
Dave Wong, retired Market Specialist with Alberta Agriculture, has compiled many forage seed market summaries and market perspectives over the years.
Forage Seed Grower Workshop - December 2015
The 2015 Forage Seed Growers’ workshop was hosted by SFSDC in Nipawin, SK on December 2, 2015. The agenda included an excellent line-up of speakers and presentations were made by: