Annual General Meeting and Information Session 2012

The Saskatchewan Forage Seed Development Commission (SFSDC) Annual General Meeting and Information Session were held in Nipawin, SK on December 5, 2012.

Over 40 people were in attendance to hear presentations on the following topics:

  • SFSDC Research Project Results

  • Nitrogen Use Research in Forage Seed Crops - Dr. Fran Walley, University of Saskatchewan

  • Northeast Agricultural Research Foundation - Stu Brandt, NARF

  • Insect Pest Update - Scott Hartley, Provincial Entomologist, Saskatchewan Agriculture

  • Forage Seed Market Update and Outlook– Gerry Duynisveld, Northstar Seed Ltd.

During the Annual General Meeting, David Maxwell, Chair and Ray McVicar, Executive Director provided reports on the Commission’s activities. The Audited Financial Report for 2011-2012 was reviewed and the 2012-2013 Budget was presented by Marcel Enns, Treasurer. Milton & Associates, Regina, SK was appointed as Auditor for 2012-2013.

Highlights of the 2011-2012 fiscal year included:

  • The SFSDC levy increased to $46,382 and the number of levy payers also increased to 175. This was the first increase in both numbers in recent years.

  • The SFSDC contributed to the following research projects in 2011-2012: Fertilizing Forage Grasses for Seed Production (continued); Pod Sealant Technology in Trefoil Seed Production (completed); Bromegrass Seed Midge Control (continued); Fungicides for Use in Forage Seed Grasses (started); provided $4,000 toward Dr. Fran Walley’s Nitrogen Use Efficiency project with the University of Saskatchewan; and provided $1,000 to University of Alberta for research on red clover casebearer.

  • The Commission’s website was developed and launched and can be viewed at

Thank you to all of our speakers and those who attended the meeting, as well as the levy payers and forage seed buyers for their support of the Commission’s activities.


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Forage Seed Producer Information Day & Saskatchewan Forage Seed Development Commission Annual Meeting